If you are sharing TV Schedule data with other countries within the organisation you can easily manage schedule events and content with the help of Central MediaBox (CMB).
(Note that the CMB module is activated upon request and is not part of the basic Schedule features).
CMB allows you to copy TV Schedule data and Content available outside your local organisation and use for your local scheduling. CMB is connected to your Schedules module and it's in Schedules you access and copy schedules.
Copy TV schedule data
Copying an event or a full day or week of TV schedule/s works the same way as when done locally, see How can I create TV Schedules. The difference is that upon choosing what to copy, you start with selecting what country schedules you want to copy data from.
Local metadata
Not all metadata to an event is copied as there might be local differences to, for example, Parental rating. So make sure to update your data according to what's valid locally.
Don't have access to Central Media Box?
If you're interested in adding this feature to your account, contact us for a demo and/or trial.
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