The color to each contact status in your contact lists will help you identify who has registered an account, who is receiving your emails, what they have agreed to in terms of being a recipient of emails and what they can do if they want to opt out.
Green contacts
Green contacts have registered an account. They receive emails and can manage emails via their account settings. A green contacts can at any point opt out from emails by unsubscribing from distribution lists via their account.
Yellow contacts
Yellow contacts have registered an account and receive emails but have set emails to be sent to their account inbox only. They can manage emails via their account settings. A yellow contacts can at any point opt out from emails by unsubscribing from distribution lists via their account.
Orange contacts
Orange contacts don't receive emails because they have activated their out-of-office or because their inbox is full. Orange users automatically turn green as soon as emails again are sent to their inbox. Orange users can manage emails via their account settings. They can at any point opt out from emails by unsubscribing from distribution lists via their account.
Blue contacts
Blue contacts have given consent to receiving emails without registering an account. A blue contact can register an account to get full access. Upon registering, they will turn green. A blue contacts can at any point opt out from emails by unsubscribing from distribution lists via the email footer.
Purple contacts
Purple contacts have not registered an account and have not consented to being on a distribution list. They do receive emails. If you want to re-invite a purple contacts to either register or consent to emails, click the status icon to that contacts and send the invite. A purple contacts can at any point opt out from emails by unsubscribing from distribution lists via the email footer.
Red contacts
Red contacts can't be reached as their email address at some point has reported that it's either incorrect or does not exist anymore. As soon as the system detects a non working email address, it will stop sending emails to the contact, even if the email address. Red contacts, if confirmed that the email address is working, needs to be reset to receive emails. Red contacts can still access their account.
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