Videos are displayed in the Clipsource video portal. If you also have access to the Clipsource PressWeb, videos also appear in your press room.
Enter Dashboard and open your ScreeningRoom (Channel). The start page is the My Clips page, listing all uploaded clips. The latest uploaded video will appear at the top of the page.
Available clips
Once a file is fully uploaded, either internally or by an external partner, an email will notify admin users about the clip being available in My Clips list. Clips appear in the list even though they are not fully uploaded - status to the file will show where in the encoding and upload process the file is. When a clip has status Not published it has been fully uploaded and can be published.
Upload a clip
If the clip is not already in the My Clips list you upload it. Clips are either uploaded via backend, via an FTP account or they are added from Mediabox.
- Upload clip via backend
Smaller clips can be uploaded via the backend interface. Maximum size to these files are 1GB. Go to Upload Clip in left side menu and Choose file. Click Upload. - Upload clip via FTP
Larger files are uploaded via FTP. Upload details to a screeningroom are found in Account profile in the left side menu to the screeningroom, in the FTP Accounts tab.
- Add clip from Mediabox
If you have access to Mediabox you can add videos from MB to show in your screening room.
For more details on how to upload files, see How to upload clips to a screeningroom.
For supported file formats, see What formats do you support?
1. Clip information - add content to a clip
As soon as a file upload starts it will appear in the My Clips list and you can start adding information to the clip. Top open the clip information, click Edit clip to the right of the title.
1.1. Clip information tab - add content
Update title and add description to your clip. Use the text editor at the top of the box to format the text. If the text has been copied and pasted into the text editor, formatting can be removed by marking the text and clicking the remove formatting icon.
Add restrictions to the clip (optional), like for example embargo. Note that restrictions are only textual. Manually added restrictions to an individual clip will overwrite any general restriction added to your screeningroom account, see Setting up your Screeningroom.
1.3. Subtitles
Add subtitles by choosing language and uploading a subtitle file. Note that the length of the file needs to be the same as the length of clip file, otherwise the text will not sync. Click Upload.
1.4. Contact person
Add a contact person that people should contact about the clip.
- Default contact - is the main contact added to your screeningroom account, see Setting up your Screeningroom.
- Custom Contact – allows you to choose a contact from the drop down menu. Contacts listed are admin users that have access to that particular ScreeningRoom.
1.5. Categories
Users and recipients of notifications can choose to subscribe to different categories and adding category to a clip allows users to receive content of their choice.
1.6. Presskits
Add the clip to an existing presskit, or create a new presskit. Presskits allows for gathering related clips to a title. For instance, if you have several episodes to a program they can all be listed to each episode, making it easier for your audience to find related content. For more information on how to create a presskit, see How to create a Presskit.
1.7. Save updates
Click ‘Save and Continue‘ to save the information and enter the next step. Make sure to always save added or changed information before exiting a tab, otherwise it will be lost.
2. Related media - add files
Under the second tab you can add images and other files, including videos. Add media by clicking the blue button to the top right and choosing the type of file you want to add, as well as title and description to the file.
2.1. Click ‘Save and Continue‘ to continue to the next step.
3. Access Control - set access to a clip
In this tab you decide who will be able to access the clip.
Secure distribution
This allows for distributing videos to contacts with their email addresses burned into the video as individual watermarks. This feature is however not available by default. Talk to your Clipsource contact if you are interested in adding this feature.
3.1. Groups
If you choose Groups, all your available groups will be displayed. Select the group/s that should have access to the clip. On how to create groups, see How do I create distribution lists?
3.2. Add individual users
You can also add single users to access a clip. If the user is not yet registered to the service, they will receive a registration email and asked to create an account.
3.3. Visible
There are two levels of access;
- Visible for all users – the clip is public and accessible to anyone.
- Chosen groups – access is set to specific group/s and only visible to logged in members of those particular group/s.
3.4. Sharable
Sharable means that an embed code will be provided in the clip information, for users to embed the clip.
3.5. Downloadable
Decide if the clip should be downloadable. You can set download access to specific user and groups.
- No – no one will be able to download the clip.
- All registered users – available for download to all users that have access to the Clipsource platform.
- Choosen groups – download is set to users of the group/s added to access the clip.
3.6. Click ‘Save and Continue‘ to continue to the next step.
4. Distribution - manage notifications to clip
Decide how you want to distribute your clip.
4.1. Channels - push content to SoMe accounts
If you want to share the clip on social media you set the button to your individual social media accounts as active. Upon activating an account you can also adjust the title and description to the clip to fit your SoMe account. On how to add SoMe accounts, see Setting up your Screeningroom.
4.2. Test notification
If you want to know what the clip notification will look like before sent you can send a test notification. The notification will only be sent to the admin working on the clip. If you want to make changes, enter the first tab to change information. Don’t forget to save any changes made. You can send as many test notifications as you like.
4.3. Send notifications
Decide recipients to the notification. Choose between;
- Don’t send notifications – no notifications will go out.
- Chosen groups – users connected to the group/s selected in the access tab, plus any single users added will receive a notification.
4.4. Resend notification options
If there has been updates to a clip or if you want to notify additional users about the clip, you can choose how you want to notify recipients. Choose between;
- Don’t send to users that already received notification about this clip – already notified users will not get a notification.
- Resend to all selected users – all users that previously received a notification plus any newly added users will be notified. Click Save and Resend notification.
4.5. Click ‘Save and Continue‘ to continue to the next step.
5. Publish the clip
This is where you publish the clip but also manage the still image to the clip.
5.1. Change poster image
If you want to change image, click the Change image button below the video and select a new image. There are three options on how to change an image;
Change Image – select an image from 9 automatically created snapshots to the video.
Upload image – select and upload an image.
Create Image – create an image by grabbing a snapshot from the video.
Click Update to save the image. More detailed information about how to change an image, see How do I change image to a video?
5.2. Publish immediately
If you want to publish the clip right away, simply choose Now and click the Publish button at the bottom.
5.2. Choosing publish date and time
You can also set date and time for when the clip will be published. Click Choose a date, select date in the calendar and set time. Note that the times are not local and that you might want to adjust publish time accordingly.
Notifications sent upon publishing
As soon as you hit that publish button, notifications are sent according to the selection made in the Distribution tab. If publish date is set to a later date, notifications will go out at the set publish time.
5.2.1 Choosing unpublish date and time
You can also decide if and when you want to unpublish a clip. Select date and time as described above and click Unpublish. Your clip will now be unpublished at the specified date and time.
5.3. Click Publish to publish your clip and to send notifications.
5.4. Updates to publish/unpublish date and time.
You can make changes to both publish/unpublish date and time. Update the information and click Update button.
6. Check status to notifications
In the side menu, under notifications, you can see the status your clip notifications plus the number of recipients it has been sent to. If there are many notifications sent out at the same time, there might be a delay to notifications. Once all notifications have gone out, status will say ‘sent’.
7. Unpublish/delete a clip
Go to My clips list and click the settings icon to the video. To unpublish a clip select Unpublish. To delete a clip, select Delete.
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